Recent Projects

My clients are so creative! Here is a beautiful installation where the Aqualens dish was left out and instead my clients just used their own pool. There are two 24in spheres and one 36in sphere - loving this beautiful view from Naples, FL. ...

I am thrilled to have just received a photo of the installation of my Aqualens at the Four Seasons in Cyprus! This special custom Aqualens is a 80cm/31in sphere sitting in a 1.5m/5ft dish. Feeling special that this is my third Four Seasons Hotel commission! See photos...

As an artist, I love commissioning pieces around the world. This Aqualens installation comes from Hong Kong! Loving how my clients propped up this 1.2m/4ft Aqualens to give it more prominence in it's display. ...

Some more great shots just came in from the Nunnally House of the Southeast Georgia Health System in Brunswick. A photographer spent some time there and captured some amazing shots of the Aqualens. Photos provided by Paul Watson of Rocky Knoll Photography. [gallery columns="1" ids="3362,3363"]...

This 5ft/1.5m Aqualens sits with a gorgeous view from the English Channel of the Atlantic ocean! What a perfect spot, love how the Aqualens reflects the colors of the ocean and setting sun. [gallery columns="2" ids="3354,3356"]...