14 Oct My Photographic C.V. of Major Art Installations

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Recently while bidding on a large art installation project, I was asked for a C.V. of my Major Art Installations.
I was happy to oblige, as ever since I first designed and began selling my Aqualens Sphere Fountains and my other Garden Sculptures more than fifteen years ago, I’ve done a significant number of installations at Hotels, Shopping Malls, Universities, Restaurants, and other public places.
Once the document was put together, I thought it would be more eye-catching with images, and my Photographic C.V. was born.
I like it so much that I thought I’d share it on this page. Simply click the image to the right to download a PDF version of my C.V, or click the link under the image. To save to your computer, right click on the image or link and select ‘save as..’.
Please let me know what you think of it in the comments. To learn more about any of the projects listed, please peruse my recent projects page. All of my larger projects are listed.